Please note I no longer ask for photos to be submitted with testimonials.

Having passed through 13 years of the most difficult times, it was clear I had to release the pain and traumas that were effecting me across many areas of my life. Having had other types of hypnosis I knew BQH would offer me creative scope to direct my focus in ways I hadn't tried. After an excellent exchange with Christy she helped me create a new pathway into the future minus the PTSD that had become entrenched. I feel like a new person and now have the freedom within to continue this process. Christy is really an angel.
--Ingrid S.

After reading Christy's book, Jump Into the Blue, I feel I was divinely guided to connect with her. Christy's expert guidance facilitating my BQH session allowed me to see the blocks that have been holding me back from continuing on my spiritual path. Through focussed hypnotherapy and coaching sessions, Christy has helped me address my shadows which in turn are breaking down my blocks, allowing me to grow more than I could have imagined. Christy's expertise, sensitivity and genuine caring demonstrate that she has found her true calling. I am truly thankful for her support and guidance.
--Nora Karr

Christina’s warmth, compassion and sincerity was a guiding light in my healing sessions. As she helped me navigate my inner worlds, I discovered a renewed sense of awe and beauty in the interconnectedness of life. Through the BQH experience my inner world began healing and my outer world magically mirrored that process with some amazing transformational experiences.
I thank Christina for opening my heart to a new way of interbeing which will ripple not just through my life but through all of life I touch.
--Nikki Read

I discovered Christina's work after being drawn to her book (Jump Into The Blue) and wanting to know more about the author.
I went into the online session with an open heart and no set expectations, and was rewarded with knowledge, clarity, peace and profound love.
Christina's professional yet gentle approach made me feel so safe and nurtured throughout the entire process. I am filled with gratitude for Christina's work and this journey, and I will be forever grateful that the universe brought me to her.
She really does have a gift.
Thank you Christina xx
-Leah Keating

Online Session
What an amazingly wonderful experience. Christina asked all the right questions and created such an open space so I could go exactly where I needed to. I feel I received absolutely everything I needed to. I am so grateful I did this with you Christina, you did such an amazing job xx
--Nioda Whitely

Yesterday I had such an amazing experience under the safe and gentle guidance of Christina. The questions I had before the session were answered and much more through the inner trance state that Christina placed me in. I was taken to many places and timelines. Anything I feared I accepted and surrendered to. I become a more expanded version of myself. It was peaceful, informative and liberating. Anyone that has ever thought of unraveling the mysteries of themselves to aid healing and higher conscious awareness I highly recommend you attend a session. Thanks once again Christina. You are a gifted healer.
--Mark Robson- Sound and Serenity
--- Sound and Serenity

Online session
Recently, I was taken on an exciting Inner Trance-Formation Journey with Christina as we connected deeply with my higher self via (BQH). Even though Christina and I reside on opposite sides of the Earth, she was able to lead me into the deepest parts of my subconscious where we received amazing information not only about my journey and purpose in this life, but outstanding knowledge from the higher realms about the great awakening happening at this time to the collective of this world. I would highly recommend a session with Christina. Her leadership is compassionate and gentle. Her intelligence to work with the information given and come up with great questions, helps you get the most out of your BHQ session.
Thanks Christina for the awesome experience
--Christy Litster

Online Session
Christina was so organised with the questionnaire and a pre-session meeting so that we could meet and make sure my zoom was working and she could hear me properly for the recording. I was so excited to be taken into the hypnosis because I wanted to find my galactic roots and soul family. I remembered bursting into tears when we went to the first portal because I was finally allowed to leave for a while and become my multidimensional self.
Christina guided me through my questions but gave me loads of time to assimilate myself and find the information I needed and go where I would be most assisted. I could tell she had a lot of experience doing this with people so I felt relaxed and at ease in the session.
I was very happy with my session and plan to do another this year. I would highly recommend working with Christina as she made everything so easy with the pre-panned questions and also her calm relaxed manner. Two hours is a long time but it went so quickly for me. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!
--Shelley M

Online Session
Amazing 10/10
Christina, you have a calming energy and your voice is very reassuring during the session.
I was able to verify messages that I have received through meditation and also learned about what I can do to help clear my energy and heal.
I have worked with various healing modalities and have to say this is one of my favorites. In many, you are passive and receive healing (even though you are healing at higher levels and therefore always participating). In this you are an active participant. This for me is empowering. And when you are empowered I feel you heal faster!
Thank you so much!
It was an honor and a pleasure to work with you
--Francesca Lucia

Thank you so much for this important journey into my heart centre which helped me release unhelpful programming and shift into a more loving, opened-hearted and joyful way of being. I would really recommend this profound experience to everyone wanting to become more in line with their true self!
--Alex Halstead

Online session
I had a very deep journey with Christina, she guided me through an incredibly peaceful yet very powerful experience. I saw something I wanted to see in meditation for a long time. The ground of all. Everything appears from it and dissolves into it. It’s self liberating, if fear appears, without the one who’s judging, it dissolves without leaving a trace and on it’s place love/joy/compassion appear spontaneously.
I also I had a vision of “another Earth”, larger and extended with a huge extended Sun, in reddish beautiful colors. Me and other beings were made of a more light substance and we could change the shape of our appearances, become birds and fly for example. It felt so joyful, we were playing and connecting to each other, at the same time there were no neediness or attachment to each other because we knew who we truly there were no limitations of the mind. We were simply playing !
It was beautiful to witness, Christina was wonderful in her clear and soft guidance.
Since then I’m integrating this experience in my daily life which brings me joy and freedom.
--Tanya Iskona

My Inner Trance-formation Journey was the one of the best healing and assurances that I have received in my life.
Since the session, I have been visualising scenes from my journey on a daily bases and this is really helping me to find balance in my current life.
I would highly recommend anyone who is looking for their purpose or more clarity in life to have a BQH session with Christina. It will give you tremendous stress relief and make it easier to find happiness.
I was pleased that I was able to use this healing session to really go deep. I experienced so many amazing visualisations that I can use to bring myself back to calm state of mind.
Even the interview before the journey was really helpful. Her gentleness, kindness, and great energy were also very healing. I found myself resolving a lot of unsolved problems that I wasn’t even consciously aware of until Christina asked great questions.
After the session, I felt I had been in the dream state for long time. I didn’t imagine any of the things I received during the journey; everything was just amazing to experience. It was more than I expected!
Her location, atmosphere, set up and crystals, everything was perfect too.
--Tomoko Allen

Christy made me feel at ease from the moment I walked in the door, clearly walking me through the process and discussing my aims from the session to make sure that we had a similar understanding of where the journey was likely to take us…the water ceremony was a beautiful way to fully ground this intention for the session and begin the journey.
Once in the chair Christy’s voice is amazingly soothing and relaxing and really assists you to fully open up and let go, feeling safe and supported at all times. Even when I had moments of confusion she knew exactly how to gently guide me back to a point of awareness and understanding without directing or trying to lead me thought process, she is very skilled at allowing you to tap into that source of inner wisdom and find your own answers. I was surprised by what came forward, my higher self knew what I needed, which was actually quite different from my initial intention but afterwards of course made perfect sense, and thankfully Christy expertly and intuitively allowed that process to unfold for my highest good.
Wonderful experience and I look forward to further insights as I continue to process and reflect on the session – thank you Christy
--Kate Hotson-Geolight Healing

I found this opportunity for self exploration the perfect setting for traversing the inner world of my mind, from the charged crystals to the recliner couch and blanket i felt my self opening up immediately. As Christy guided me through the initial stages I could feel some blocks rising to surface for processing... As i finally settled into the couch and closed my eyes Christy began to take me on a journey in what appeared to be parts of my distant past but they seemed to be in the now...moving through different stages and regions of the cosmos at light speed it was the perfect reminder of where i have been and where I'm going.
As i spoke openly of my personal past my mind dis-engaged freely, like looking through a glass. I'm writing this a few days later and it feels like i have been switched back on again and reconnected to myself, the synchronicity I’m experiencing is very powerful and empowering.
I have been to many psychotherapy sessions with different doctors who i feel really like to try to fit me into the box that they have educated themselves in rather than the box that is best suited to my personal needs. Christy simply (with great experience) took me on a journey that was all about me, all about my life and my stuff and that is what I required. The session duration was also integral in order to achieve the desired effect. Though i forget most of the session i know it has shifted something and i feel this is still unfolding... Highly recommend this to anyone wishing to get in and learn more about themselves, their history, or to remove blocks ones yourself that may be holding you back... All in all it was a beautiful empowering experience with a powerful woman. I know there will be more sessions for me. Thank you Christy
--- Lucas Nicholson

Recently I had the good fortune to have a "Inner Trance-formation Full Session" with Christina Lavers.
Normally I am not drawn to hypnosis, in fact I had a negative experience in the past, but I found my coaching sessions with Christy very helpful, so I thought I try it.
I loved that I felt safe enough to voice my initial misgivings, which allowed me to fully relax into the session.
I love that my journey was not externally directed but internally guided. Christy was there to make sure I stayed on track, by asking the right questions, but ultimately I followed my own trail.
I had an incredibly deep experience, with revelations about my own history I didn't know before. I gained understand of not only my own history but into the evolution of life on this planet.
I am still digesting my experience.
I would highly recommend this safe, deep and profound healing technique to anyone who is curious and open minded.
Argnesh Rose -Bowen therapist Dorrigo

I had a session with Christy: profound, deeply healing. Her guidance was so valuable and her manner very caring. The language of everyday life is insufficient, for we had crossed over to other states of reality, or they had come to us.
The sessions I've had with Christy are probably the highest, most powerful and profound, beneficial, spiritual and transformative experiences of my life.
. Christy doesn't just follow a protocol, she is herself with you during the session and she has a rare level of authenticity, wise awareness and understanding, born of the bravest and most authentic explorations of experience and being. We are ultimately spiritual beings and I trust Christy as a guide on these levels more than any other.
When we are faced with piercing the veil in our times of catharsis and metamorphis, you need someone by your side who you can depend on in a holistic way. Christy is that person. After the session was completed I had a very strong sense of the incalculable value of the experience - of "how can you put a dollar value on something that changes your life?"
I also really recommend her autobiography, 'Jump into the blue'
---Matt Schreck

Christina has a deep gentleness about her which she brings to the session. Quantum healing was new to me, so I did my homework and went in with no expectations. With Christina's expertise my experience was gently and beautifully guided to exactly where I needed to go in the session." --Berni.

Christina is a warm, caring and intuitive coach whose ability to ask the right questions at the right time helps to show a deeper awareness and understanding of what is holding you back. She is absolutely brilliant in what she does. I highly recommend her for anyone who feels lost or stuck in their life
Lin Perrier

" I resonated towards Christina instantly when I first met her. Her compassionate and empathic nature made it easy to feel comfortable. She allowed me to speak freely without judgement. Her empathy and kindness of understanding coupled with her wise and clear direction to understanding has given me so much more clarity. I find I walk away from the sessions with love in my heart, clarity of mind and a sense of calm.
I have found I am gaining a better sense of order but still relapse. Even though these relapses occur the little Christy Angel voice appears and nudges me back onto the path. I think the guidance and self-realisations that occur in the sessions have instilled mental cues and new neural pathways to fire off in my mind.
I love her gentle approach, soft calming voice and kind heart. I like how I do the work without realising at the time as she assists to passively promote a nurturing process within.
I am beginning to feel freer from my subconscious to live a more conscious and aware life."
Update: " Christy's understanding of my need to find resolve in my hesitation for change in a career path long known to me, was guided by her gentle approach for me to question and answer myself with honesty as to why I held these subconscious fears to change. I have learnt so much about myself from this. The results have been amazing and beyond my expectation.
Finally I am on my path to my new journey. I have found this whole experience to have not only reflected change in my career but also in myself and the way I view the world around me. I finally have a new awareness and appreciation for self growth and change. I now feel confident to embrace this and walk forward with pride, confidence and a knowing". -- Jenni Pawlik

"The issues I was hoping to address through coaching were all related to low confidence & self esteem.
My experience during the sessions were that they were relaxed & open. I felt I could really open up and get to the base my issues without stress. Christina made me feel at ease & I didn’t have worry about saying the wrong thing. There are no right or wrong answers. She would have to be the most positive person I have ever met, after a session you can't help but feel good about yourself. She exudes positive energy.
Since working with Christina I have learnt many strategies that I have been able to put in place to help with my confidence. I have seen improvement in my self esteem which has been lacking for many years. I am putting myself in more social situations which I would have normally shied away from in the past. The most important thing people should know about working with Christina is that no problem is too big if you are prepared to take on your issues. I would most definitely be recommending the sessions/ coaching to others."
Update: "Since starting my Life Coaching Sessions with Christina my Confidence has improved dramatically in all areas of my life but particularly in relation to my career. Before coaching I was hesitant about my future & not able to take positive steps to improve my situation. I am now at a place where I am happy with my career & am taking proactive steps to increase my work based knowledge. Without Christina's help I would not be in the positive position I am today." -Ben Henderson.

"I have recently started my Bowen Therapy business and struggled to maintain my energy levels with work. This has been a life long struggle for me. I have had various therapies and workshops but it didn't seem to shift things enough to create a viable business with my skills.
Receiving Resilience Coaching from Christina has been life changing so far. In a relatively short time she guided me to identify my road blocks, and worked with me to address these bit by bit with patience and compassion. What seemed like a mountain, became a series of small hills.
It has been incredibly helpful to have somebody with Christina's skill set, and depths of understanding to help me navigate the seemingly hard path towards a sustainable business. She worked with me on my individual needs until I found my own answers.
It was also great to have someone to be accountable to and check progress with. All the changes made are easily maintained and my business has grown, but also I have grown as a person! I highly recommend her service to anyone struggling, feeling stuck with any life challenge." Argnesh Rose

"Having not known what to expect I was surprised at how easily you were able to guide me to the most prevalent issues currently being faced in my life and you encouraged me to keep an open mind. Following our sessions I now have a new career direction and you encouraged me to take action, that first step and ensured that I was accountable to myself. You did this without pushing but with empathy and openness. I have also made changes in my family and personal life particularly with my health. At no stage did I feel uncomfortable and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I would recommend your sessions to anyone that is having issues with purpose, feeling stagnant or like there is something missing in your life. Thanks again!" --Trent Lynwood

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